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BOX NOW S.A., hereinafter "BOX NOW" or "company", considers the security and protection of your personal data as a top priority, in whatever capacity you communicate or cooperate with it, such as indicative and not limiting visitors, former or active customers, employees, partner merchants, suppliers or third party partners. 


Your personal data includes any information that can lead, either directly or in combination with others, to your unique identification or identification as a natural person. This category includes, but is not limited to, data such as name, tax number, social security number, image and video, your physical and electronic addresses, your landline and mobile phone numbers, your bank/debit/prepaid cards, your email addresses, evaluation data, history of your online searches (log files, cookies, etc.), and any other information that allows your unique identification in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR 2016/679) and the applicable Greek legislation and the decisions of the Data Protection Authority of a Personal Character (APDPH). 


1. Who We Are 


BOX NOW is a pioneering organization in the field of technology and couriers, offering modern and automated parcel delivery services. Our vision is to establish BOX NOW Lockers as the consumer's preferred method of receiving and delivering parcels. 



Tatoiou 96, Acharnes

13672, Attica 

Tel. +30 211-100 5304 

Email: [email protected] 

DPO: [email protected] 


This Privacy Policy aims to inform you about the terms of collectionprocessing and transmission of your personal data that we may collect as Processors. 


2. Ways of collecting personal data 


BOX NOW will always ask you for your minimum required personal data to receive its services. These include indicatively and on a case-by-case basis 

• first name, last name, e-mail address (email), postal address, no. contact phone and no. order 

• evidence of transactions 

• information we collect when you contact us through the contact form such as subject and free text 

• information we collect through the use of cookies if you have consented to this 

• information we receive from third party partners such as merchants and related to the execution and delivery of your order 


Your personal data is collected when you contact us or to carry out a transaction between us or to protect our people and facilities (CCTV) and to perform a contract,in your capacity as a user ,of our services us and/or as our partner and/or as a visitor to our website. 


BOX NOW keeps your personal data only for as long as is required by the contractual terms of each service, in combination with the current economic, tax and other legislation, based on the purpose of the processing, and then anonymizes or destroys them. 



3. Personal Data of Minors 


In general, for the performance of our activities, we do not collect or process personal data of minors, nor do we provide services of information society to persons under 15 years of age. 



4. Lawfulness of Processing 


BOX NOW will use your information for at least one of the following lawful processing purposes: 


1. For the signing and execution of a contract between us and the fulfillment of our contractual obligations. 

2. Because it is necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation of ours such as to fulfill our tax obligations. 

3. To serve our legitimate business interests as well as the legitimate interests of third parties. 

Legitimate interest is when we have a business or commercial reason to use your information. But even then this use is in line with your fundamental rights, for example: 

  •  Installation of video surveillance systems (closed-circuit cameras - CCTV), at the entrances and the perimeter of our facilities to prevent criminal acts and protect people and goods. 

  •  Establishing legal claims and preparing our defense in litigation 

  •  To respond to your requests 

  •  To improve the security and usability of our website 

  •  To carry out business transactions with you 

  •  To inform you about our services 

  •  To record your complaints 

4. Because you have given us your consent 

If we have received your valid consent, which you have freely provided, then the legality of the processing is based on this consent. You have the right to withdraw your consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing of personal data carried out before the receipt of your withdrawal. 



5. Transmission to third parties 


In fulfilling our contractual and legal obligations, your personal data may be provided to various service providers and suppliers. These service providers and suppliers are bound by data processing agreements and are obliged to ensure confidentiality and data protection in accordance with the GDPR, e.g. 

• Transport companies 

• Courier companies 

• External legal advisors 

• External financial and business consultants 

• IT and telecommunications companies 

• External auditors and accountants 

In any case, we take appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that your personal information is transferred, stored and processed in accordance with appropriate security standards and in accordance with the terms of this Policy and applicable data protection laws. 


6. Transfer of Data to third countries (Outside the European Economic Area – EEA) 


BOX NOW does not transfer personal data to third countries. 



7. How long we keep your data 


We will process and store your Personal Data for the duration of our business relationship and for as long as is necessary to fulfill our contractual and legal obligations. 

Your data is deleted: 

• From CCTV surveillance systems within 15 days of receipt. 

• when it is no longer necessary for the purposes for which such information was collected and processed 

• Upon your request or objection to processing, provided that there are no legal grounds that require us to retain this information. 

• When they are no longer necessary for the purposes of our compliance with legal obligations. 

• If the collection and processing of the data was based on your consent, after your consent has been withdrawn. 

8. Automated decision-making and profiling 


In carrying out our business activities, we do not use automated decision-making process. 


9. Use of your data for marketing purposes 

We may process your personal data to inform you about our services and offers that may be of interest to you or your business. 

The personal data that we process for this purpose consists of information that you provide us directly ,as well as data that we collect when you use the services or that have been transmitted to us by a cooperating third party and relate to the completion and delivery of your order. We may only use your personal data to market our products and services to you if we have your consent or if we believe we have a legitimate interest to do so. 

You have the right to object at any time to the processing of your personal data for marketing purposes, including profiling 


10. Your Rights 


You have the following rights in relation to the personal data we hold about you: 

1. Have access to your personal data. This enables you to e.g. get a copy of the personal data we hold about you and check that we are processing it lawfully. 

2. Request the correction of the personal data we hold about you. This enables you to correct any incomplete or inaccurate data we hold about you. 

3. Request the erasure of your personal information [known as the “right to be forgotten”]. This allows you to request that we delete your personal data when there is no legitimate reason for us to continue processing it. 

4. Object to the processing of your personal data [known as the “right to object”] where we rely on our legitimate interest but there is something special about you that makes you want to object to the processing for this reason. If you submit your objection, we will no longer process your personal data. 

5. You also have the right to object in cases where we process your personal data for direct marketing purposes. This also includes profiling to the extent related to direct marketing. 

If you object to processing for direct marketing purposes, then we will stop processing your personal data for these purposes. 

6. Request the restriction of the processing of your personal data. This allows you to ask us to restrict the processing of your personal data, i.e. to use it only for certain cases. 

7. Request to receive a copy of your personal data in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, in order to transmit that data to other organizations. You also have the right to request that your personal data be transferred directly from us to other organizations that you name [known as the right to data portability]. 

8. To withdraw the consent you have given us regarding the processing of your personal data at any time. Please note that any withdrawal of consent does not affect the lawfulness of the processing that was based on the consent before it was withdrawn or withdrawn by you. 

To exercise any of your rights, you can contact the company's data protection officer ([email protected]). 


11. Right of complaint to APDPH 


Before submitting your complaint, you must contact us, exercising your rights provided by the GDPR above. If we do not satisfy your requests, or you consider that our response is not what it should be, you have the right to proceed with a complaint to the Authority for the Protection of Personal Data of a Personal Character (APDPH) ) 


12. Security of personal data 

We at BOX NOW have trained and responsible staff and recognize the importance of protecting your privacy and all your personal information. For this purpose, we have appropriate security policies and use the required technical and organizational measures to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data such as encryption, use of firewalls, establishment of strict control and access levels, employees authorized for processing, regular training of staff and holding of journals controls. 


Any of our partners who have access to the above information, uses it to exclusively serve the above purposes. We share the information you give us only in the ways described in this Policy. 


13. Cookies Policy 


Cookies are online tools for collecting and analyzing information that, see our cookie policy (cookies policy) 


This Policy was published by BOX NOW on 23.03.2023 and is subject to periodic improvement and revision.